On June 24th Henry turned 1. This past year as been amazing! It is quite a thing to see a tiny baby grow into such a handsome almost-toddler. We had such a great time celebrating Henry's birthday.

Todd made up a Henry Jeopardy game for everyone to play. He had 4 sections: science and technology, the arts, nicknames and variations, and history. Each section had 4 questions in it and all of the questions were connected to some sort of Henry. It was so clever! We made three cakes, but the most important cake was the O Henry cake. It had the same ingredients as the O Henry candy bar: chocolate, fudge, peanuts, and caramel. Yum!

We also had a cake walk with the music, "Dance with Me, Henry" by Etta James; a blow-up jumpy thing (whatever it's called) and a game of ladder ball.

It was a lot of fun. Most of the time Henry just wanted to push toys around.

So that's what we did.
The tricky part of the day was that our carpets were getting replaced. I had no access to our kitchen or bathroom, and Henry didn't have a crib to nap in, but we made it through the day thanks to our moms! Thank you to everyone for coming, for the gifts, and for making Henry's big day so fun!!
Yay! Happy birthday to Henry!!!
Hey Rachel! Found your blog through Lindsey's. Happy (late) Birthday Henry! Can you believe how fast the last year has flown by?
Okay, first off Henry is adorable! Holy cow Rachel. He is so cute.
Second: I just about fell off my chair laughing about " THere is a cat on your head." So great. Cheer reunion soon? sounds great.
Third: Thanks for your nice comment about the health and my looks. Dane said the other day : Your like a jag. ( car ) Cute to look at but your insides are really not dependable. Oh the little laughs to get us through right?
I miss you rach- hope all is well.
Happy birthday, Henry!
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