Saturday, November 19, 2011

Say What?!

We're all a bit disappointed around here . . . maybe even a little bit depressed. Okay, it's denial.
About what, you ask?
Did any of you catch the Sing Off this season? It was amazing!!
But, last week our team was voted off.

They've got great voices, great arrangements, great moves, and they're wholesome and handsome. Now, I understand they're probably not the best fit to be the final winners. After all, they are a college group that changes as each member graduates and just not as marketable as, say, Pentatonix, but we so wish we could have seen them battle it out with them.

Here are our favorite performances:

They are SO good.

Love you VP!

1 comment:

sarah e. said...

We were disappointed too! We thought they should have made it another couple rounds.