The babes is 6 months old now!
She babbles up a storm. Her most common "word" is Mama!
She sits and plays.
She loves to wrinkle and shred newspaper and magazine paper.
She doesn't mind grass. She'll sit in it and pull at it and lay on it without a fuss.
She's got the fluffiest hair.
She really doesn't like to eat food anymore, darn it. Two bites in to her meal and she screams bloody murder.
She still likes to be swaddled and suck on a binkie when put down for a nap or bed.
She loves pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo.
She accompanies me for any task: making sandwiches or dinner, switching laundry over, cleaning the bathtub, carrying in groceries, you name it. She loves to be propped right up on my hip.
Hmmm . . . what else.
We love her!
So stinkin' adorable!!
Oh these pictures are TO DIE FOR! They make me want to come right over to your house for a Mabel snuggle! Give her a kiss from me today, will ya?
Oh my! Those pink head band pictures are the cutest ever!! She could sell things with that face!
sitting up! wow wow wow! go, Mabel!
Mabel is as cute as her mother. We miss her so much but it brightens our day to see pictures of her and the boys.
Grandma & Grandpa Cameron
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