multi-tasking when it's . . . inappropriate. I guess that's the right word.
Well, as a woman and a has-been student, and now a mom I am pretty good at multi-tasking. Women, students, and moms in my opinion have to be multi-taskers if they want to get more than like 3 things done a day--especially if one of those things is a hobby or something not related to your title. I know all of you out there do this, and I bet you're good at it. I'm not so good. Sometimes it gets me into trouble.
For instance, on any given day I find myself with 5 tasks half done. Henry's napping and I go into my bedroom. I start putting clothes away in Todd's closet and half way through I decide to make the bed and find a glass on my night stand. I walk it to the kitchen and see breakfast's dirty dishes. I start doing the dishes, finish and notice the sink is yellowing. I put some Comet on and go to the bathroom to get a scrub brush. I take a look in the mirror and practically shriek. So I fix my hair and start brushing my teeth and walk into the bedroom to put on my wedding ring that's sitting in its box on my nightstand. I notice the bed's half made and all of our clothes aren't put away yet. And then Henry cries. He's awake and I have like 5 things halfway done, and my mouth is full of foam . . . arg.
And the day continues, the jobs are done, and I feel satisfied. I sit down to my computer and stare at my glowing screen, hoping from page to page with 6-7 tabs. Find songs for my playlists, look up patterns for stuffed animals, check my email, facebook, blog, find a recipe for dinner tomorrow, look at Jon and Kate Plus 8 webisodes . . . all while I'm writing a lesson for RS. I shouldn't be surprised that I have a headache by the end of the day.
I finally kneel down to pray. Closed eyes and bowed head I start removing my rings to rub in the lotion I squirted into my palm before I kneeled. I crack my knuckle and realize I'm not praying at all! I'm in such a habit of multi-tasking that it's hard for me to simply pause to return thanks to my Maker. What has happened to me??
Oh my gosh, all of that is so true for me too. Right now Alivia is sleeping and I know she will wake up any minute and I still have a couple things half way done. I guess I should stop blogging now. haha
Hahahah. I do the same thing.
You are a fantastic writer, Rach...I really enjoy reading your blog.
Glad you're doing well! You're such a wonder-woman!
Todd says I'm going through menopause. Isn't it coming a LITTLE early?
I think we are all a little guilty of starting and not finishing tasks...I'm glad you left a comment. Blogging is wonderful, isn't it?!? That Henry of yours is a keeper! And thanks for your "Hallelujah!" post! It's good to know we moms all go through the same battles. :)
Rachel, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has days like that!
Oh man. No wonder we are friends. I do that ALL THE TIME!
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