Todd's birthday is May 2nd, and this year we started his birthday May 1st with a dance party with friends. We danced to great hits like, "Bye bye bye" by N'SYNC, "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany, and "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul. We also played a few dance games that Todd made up called "Hot Moves" and "Dance Revolution, Revolution" (and no, it's not the same as Dance, Dance Revolution). "Hot Moves" is like Hot Potato but you pass dance moves instead of a potato, and when the music stops, whoever is dancing is out! "Dance Revolution, Revolution" goes like this: a number is assigned to a dance move that we make up, about 6 moves. The group starts dancing and a caller yells out numbers, "6! . . . 2! . . . 3! . . . 5!" while the group dances the moves assigned to their number. If a dancer messes up or gets off beat they're out. The winners got treats, and we sure saw some wicked awesome dancing!! Since we've been married we rarely have dance parties but this one sure satisified my dancing needs!

On his actual birthdy he started it off with a breakfast sandwich from Gandolfo's. And then it was off to Provo's Farmer's Market. He spent the afternoon selling, and I spent it with Henry. Then we ran some errands and ate at 5 Guy's Burgers. Awesome burgers, but no shakes. And, give a "No thanks" to their grilled cheese (yuck!). We went home with a couple pints of Ben and Jerry's (Chubby Hubby and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough--you can guess which was Todd's and which was mine) and hunkered down to a few episodes of "The Office". By the way, we are now addicted to that show, and congrats to Pam and Jim!! Anyway . . .
Through the next week I heard Todd say things like, "Babe, I can do this, it's my birthday week." All week. And oh, it just fueled me up for my big day. And that's okay because we get to spend it together so we both got to benefit!
So, May 29th I woke up to Todd bathing Henry, and then they were off to the grocery store. While they were gone I organized Henry's clothes (storing away clothes that don't fit, etc.) and cleaned up the house. It felt so good to clean uninterrupted!! I know that sounds weird to do on your birthday, but if you're a mom, you understand. It was nice. Then when the boys came home we enjoyed Jamba Juices and toast with strawberry jam. Todd made a cake (yellow cake mix with chocolate frosting and sprinkles). The night before my birthday I practically had to beg him to make me a cake from a box. He loves making things from scratch but I just love the smell and taste and everything about a yello cake from a mix. It epitomizes my birthdays as a kid and it was all I wanted. So, because he loves me he caved. And it was a great cake.
Then we went swimming at a friends house.
And watched Pixar's "Up". It was really good! My favorite thing about the movie is that the main character looks just like my grandpa Cameron. You see the character when he's a boy and then you watch him age, and through each stage of his life he looks just like my grandpa. I just adored him. Anyway, we then went to Gloria's Little Italy at their new location on University Ave. and Center St. and enjoyed a nice Italiano meal. We came home to eat our cake and crash. 

(I'm 23!)
By the end of the day we were pooped, but it was an awesome day! We also get to extend our birthdays as we celebrate with both our parents by eating yummy dinners and spending time together. We're soaking it all up before we head off to Illinois, we'll sure miss you guys!
All day I kept thinking it is Rachel's birthday, I need to have the kids call her. So sorry you didn't get the call. It was a crazy day. Every time I thought about it I was in the middle of doing something else. Anyways I am glad you had a good birthday.
Happy Birthday 2 days late.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE SIS! I'm so glad you had a great birthday. June is our celebration month. Birthday, anniversary, Father's Day! I love months like that. Hopefully this baby will wait till Aug to arrive, then her and Cannon will have celebration month!
Happy birthday! I love sprinkles on cakes...yum!
Happy Late Birthday Rachel! And I totally know what you mean about the box cakes on your birthday. Haha. I'm glad you had fun celebrating your day! :)
Happy Birthday, Rach!!!
Sorry I missed calling on the big day...I'm a bad friend.
Hope you're doing well!
Happy birthday. It looked like a lot of fun. These pics make me really want to go swimming!
Happy Birthday! I am glad that you had a great day. Todd is so nice to make a cake for you! Hope you guys are doing well.
Happy Birthday! That is sooo funny that the old man in Up reminded you of Grandpa, I kept telling my mom the same thing the whole movie! :) He is pretty great huh? Hope you had a great day :)
Happy Birthday (to both of you)! Sounds like you guys had a great time!
I forgot I had your blog address until the other day. It's great to see what you guys are up to. Your little guy is getting so big and is so cute!
Sounds like you had some fun birthdays...I'm jealous of uninterrupted cleaning/organizing time. I do understand how that can be precious.
We love otter pops around here too. That's what we pull out every time Maggie has a new tooth coming. They are magic.
Anyway, it's great to see how you're doing and I look forward to checking your blog more now that I have the link set up!!
sounds fun! Chris and I both have our birthdays in May as well. It's fun having your birthday in the same month as your spouse.
I want to see UP so bad!
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