We had a fabulous birthday, but I didn't share any of the gifts we received. This year, Todd gifted me (drum roll please) . . . a DRESS! Yes, I think I've decided that every year for my birthday I want a new homemade dress. When I am old and gray I'll have a fleet of dresses made by Todd. Todd always out-does himself. I am always amazed at his talent! When I wear this dress if feel like a Betty. I love it.

And for Todd I got him new glasses. I knew he was pretty brainy before, but when he puts these glasses on their is no doubt about it. He's my studly brainiac.

This past week we also entered Henry in the Freedom Festival Baby contest. Oh boy, he looked sharp. He was happy. We sat him on the judge table and he just looked at each judge (UVU college girls). He didn't cry, but he hardly cracked a smile. I think he was so confused, the poor little guy. He didn't win, and I can't remember who got 1st, but I sure remember who got 2nd.
Rock. His name is Rock. He was behind us in line. He had a patriotic pinwheel and a barbershop hat. He was wearing a suit and tie and his hair was slicked over. He really new how to charm the ladies. I still know who's number one in my book!
Don't worry, I'm not really bitter. I've just become one of those moms who thinks that their child is the most beautiful, smart, wonderful child ever. I didn't really think I'd become
that mom, but it's hard not to when your child really is the most beautiful, smart, and wonderful child ever.

I love the dress. And those glasses look familiar! They look early Bushman years. And I think Henry should have won, oh well. Who can resist those chubby cheeks?
Wow! Todd is talented. I love the dress too!! :)
Also, somehow it totally went over my head that you are moving to Illinois. Good luck with your move. If you come by way of Kansas City, you can stay with us!
Wow! That dress is awesome!
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