What brings us to Illinois? Graduate school! Todd will be starting his PhD in Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We are excited, and for many reasons.
First, Todd loves school and for the next 4-6 years he will be doing research in a field that he's interested in, with great people, and when he's finished he'll be done with school forever (unless he does a post-doc)! Second, fireflies. Third, the Orpheum science museum for kids (they have a lego club!). And fourth, we'll experience a new state, climate, radio stations, friends, and real life, i.e. living away from our parents. Now we have definitely loved living close to our parents--they are such a great blessing to us and we love them--but I think we'll grow a lot being away. It'll be good. And as my wise friend, Rachel, said, they're only a plane ride away.
So, we'll embark on this journey after a summer filled with fun. We look forward to cleaning out our mom's pantry, celebrating Henry's first birthday (among many family birthdays), a family reunion in Escalante, UT, and fireworks and family on the 4th.
Here are a few pictures of the U of I campus. Todd took these back in March when he visited the campus. I think it looks very charming.
I'm super excited for you guys to go and have a new adventure and I'm very jealous that you get to leave Provo, but I am so sad that you will be so far away from us!
Yay, you'll love the midwest! We are so glad that we decided to move away from Utah. It's hard to be away from family but I think Casey and I have become closer because we do our own family stuff and rely on each other instead of our parents all the time. We'll have to meet up at the temple sometime. I'm guessing your temple will be the Chicago one too!
How exciting!! Yay for new adventures. How far away of a drive is your sister?? Good luck with everything!
Oh my heavens! This is wonderful for you! I am jealous (I want out of Utah too!)! We will have to all get together before you leave. When will you take off? We will having you close (well, as close as 2 hours is :) ).
Wow! That is awesome for you guys! What a great adventure.
That is so awesome! What a great experience. You are a trooper! I was terrified to think of moving away for James law school and we only moved to Salt Lake! haha I'm lame!
Wow rachel! I love the sound of a new adventure!! I am really thrilled for you and todd... although you are leaving and I will really never get to see you it sounds like so much fun!! And I am really glad you are such a dedicated blogger! That way I can keep up with you and your life!
Wow rachel! I love the sound of a new adventure!! I am really thrilled for you and todd... although you are leaving and I will really never get to see you it sounds like so much fun!! And I am really glad you are such a dedicated blogger! That way I can keep up with you and your life!
I'm really excited for you guys! We have loved being in Kentucky! You'll get used to the humidity! Have so much fun on the next chapter in your lives!!!
Our friends, Aaron and Celisa Zimbelman are also moving out to attend that school for his phd. Perhaps you'll be in the same ward, and you'll be able to socialize!
I can NOT wait having you closer! Only 10 hours away, cuts our driving time to see you in half! And Branson is pretty close to being in the middle. I'm so excited!!!
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