We were able to see Todd's cousin get married last weekend! The new happy couple, Nick and Lizzy, is gorgeous and fun and I'm pretty sure they'll live happily ever after. We didn't get pictures of them, but we got some of Henry! Surprisingly he didn't get upset when we took about a hundred shots. He loved the flowers and the rocks especially, and of course walking around (with help). He already prefers walking to being carried! Oh, Henry.
He gets more cute the older he gets. He is a handsome little boy! I like the pictures below as well.. I can't wait until Tula can sit up so I can put her in a little pool.
Hi Todd and Rachel! We have been thinking about you guys and wishing we were closer -- and then it dawned on us: you have a blog! (yes, this fact has had to dawn on us multiple times because we are very forgetful). Anyway, Henry is so cute and has gotten so big! I think he looks more like Todd at this stage. It seems like you guys are having a wonderful summer and we will be much more frequent visitors to your blog, now that we've remembered (again) how easy it is to keep in touch that way! Love you and look forward to seeing you soon!
Henry is adorable! I love the picture when he's sticking out his tongue.
I agree, the one with his tongue out is soooo cute! Like print it up and put it around the house cute. Even if just on the fridge...
He's getting so big!!
Your shirt was really cute too.
HOW FUN! he is sooo dang cute!
He gets more cute the older he gets. He is a handsome little boy! I like the pictures below as well.. I can't wait until Tula can sit up so I can put her in a little pool.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! Your baby is sooo cute! he is getting so big! Love the pics
Hi Todd and Rachel! We have been thinking about you guys and wishing we were closer -- and then it dawned on us: you have a blog! (yes, this fact has had to dawn on us multiple times because we are very forgetful). Anyway, Henry is so cute and has gotten so big! I think he looks more like Todd at this stage. It seems like you guys are having a wonderful summer and we will be much more frequent visitors to your blog, now that we've remembered (again) how easy it is to keep in touch that way! Love you and look forward to seeing you soon!
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