Happy 4th of July!
It's about a week late, but here in UT we're still celebrating! We've got Pioneer day coming up--so bring on more parades and fireworks.
Notice Henry's face is the same in both. He doesn't quite get the difference between silly and serious yet. So funny!
We had a fabulous 4th. The parade was great, especially the Creamies, the waving princesses on floats, the Timpview cheerleaders, the giant Madeline, and bumping into old friends.
We also had a treasure hunt, an amazing dinner with ribs and other yummy food, and fun time with family. Todd and I enjoyed the Stadium of Fire fireworks from the Wymount balconies once Henry went to sleep. My favorite fireworks are the weeping willow ones and the crackly-old-fashion-wedding type fireworks. They were just how I remembered them from last year and the year before, and the years before that, when I used to watch them from the roof of my house. I love the 4th of July.
So, last night I had a dream about you and it was pretty much the most random dream ever, so I thought I would share it because it was kinda funny, but really weird.
You had two children, a boy and a girl, and you were running away from your husband. Like, literally RUNNING AWAY, and you wouldn't tell me why and Jessica Palmer came back from her mission to tell you that you could stay with her family but you felt weird about it. So then we were in Italy all of the sudden and we had to take a boat to your next hotel, but you thought it would be safer to drive. So I drove on I-80 and met you at this hotel and the concierge guy told us your husband was waiting in the room for you to arrive and you were so mad at everyone because there were pictures of your family everywhere in the hotel. And so while you were thinking about what you wanted to do next, we went downstairs to the chapel, where there was a wedding and your kids were in the dressing room playing on a slide and everyone in the wedding was so annoyed because they were loud and eating all the food. So then I told you I would take your kids outside so they could help me pick some cantaloupe while you went to the reception. And then I woke up. Ha ha!!! It was so strange and I keep thinking about how funny and ridiculous the whole thing was. And I have no idea why you were in my dream!
Anyway, looks like you had a fun 4th of July and your little boy is darling. He is getting so big!
Oh my Henry is so handsome! His eyes!
I love the pampering train.
look how big he's gotten! he is lookin so cute :)
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