Friday, September 18, 2009

O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A !

My sister had her third baby in August, and she blessed her, little Brooklyn Rachel Bushman, two weeks ago and so I flew to Oklahoma to be with her. We had an awesome time together.

We drove to Springfield to fly to OK and while we were there we stopped where President Lincoln is buried.

My parents with Brooklyn after the blessing

Brenna and Brooklyn

Cannon, Brenna and Henry

At Pop's on Route 66

The old circle barn on Route 66

We ate at Chesapeake and Henry loved posing on the motorcycle

The OKC bombing memorial

Bath time! We had to work to keep them from drinking the water.

Entertaining themselves

Brenna and I made masks for our masquerade party

The zoo! It was an awesome day. The park was practically empty and the kids loved it. See that gold fish on the alligator? I wonder who put that there!

We had so much fun in OK!!


Nakita Ellis said...

What a cool trip. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun and Henry is SO cute!!

okbushmans said...

We LOVED having you, and can't wait till Thanksgiving! And you have great pictures!