Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowed in?

Nope! We had a huge snow storm last night, but I have a secret. I love to drive in the snow.Especially if it means getting out of a boring old house. Cabin fever! Today we bundled up and ventured to the car, cleaned it off (and Henry fell face first into the snow), and drove on over to the Urbana Library. We had a ball at Babies Lap Time and then the boys played with the trains and ran up and down the ramp.
We made it to the elevators to leave, and as soon as one boy was in and I was herding the other, I heard the "Beep, beep" of the emergency phone! Those fast little hands managed to get the emergency phone door open and the red button depressed in a millisecond. Embarrassed, I confessed to the dispatcher that everything was okay, and that hands faster than mine made it to the [fun] emergency phone.
I think the fire department is used to getting false alarms from the Urbana Library's East elevator with all that baby/toddler traffic headed down to lap time.
H and A were all tuckered out after such an adventuresome morning.


Lindsey S. said...

You like driving in the snow?! I hate it. I'm impressed. I don't know anybody who likes to drive in the snow. I love how they are totally out in the back of the car. So cute. I need to see what our library does. Bailey and I get cabin fever often!

Whitney the Wifey said...

Adorable! I think you are one of the few people that like to drive in the snow! I applaud you and your bravery!

Rachel said...

I agree, driving in the snow is not too bad. However, we can't get out here because all the other drivers panic when they see snow.

We've gotten almost 40 inches since Friday and haven't had work since Friday afternoon....crazy DC snowpocalypse...

Becky said...

i envy your love for the snow. i think i would have a much happier husband if i would agree to live where it snowed. i get anxiety over- weird, i know. looks pretty though.