Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Part of the creation

Tonight as Henry ate his dinner I told him about the creation of the world and all things in it. He seemed pretty fascinated.
I told him that Jesus separated the light from the dark, the water from the air and land, and that Jesus put seeds in the earth to make the grass and plants and trees and food grow. I told him that Jesus created the stars and the sun and moon.
(To my surprise his interested was still holding strong at this point.)
I continued and told him about all the animals and birds and fishes Jesus created and put on the earth. Then I asked him, "What do you think Jesus made next?"
Without hesitation he guessed, "Cookies!?"
I laughed so hard, but I could tell his guess was a serious one.
"Oh, that would have been a good idea, but no, he made a boy! And his name was Adam . . . " and I continued on.
You can sure tell what's on this kid's mind, especially when his mom is talk, talk, talking. I don't blame him one bit.

Mmmm, cookies. Cookies. Cookies . . .


Rachel said...

HAHAHA. Tell him that I think about cookies half the time at church, too :)

sarah e. said...

That's hilarious!!

Ashlee said...

Cookies were the only thing he actually requested while at our house :) What a cutie! And what a good mommy you are to teach him!

Ashlee said...

Cookies were the only thing he actually requested while at our house :) What a cutie! And what a good mommy you are to teach him!

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

oh my cute! haha!

Spencer and Anna said...

That's really cute. :) I love your blog and your mothering enthusiasm. I'm glad things are going well in Illinois!

Stephanie said...

Haha! That is super cute! We sure miss you guys!

Bruce Richards said...

Maybe Moses just left that part out of the creation story. They must have taken a cookie break sometime, it sure wasn't a coffee break.