The Freestones had a wonderful trip to Utah to celebrate Christmas with both the Freestone and Cameron families. The trip just wasn't long enough.
We blessed baby Theo at the Cameron's home.

It was a beautiful blessing for a beautiful baby. Henry was not too keen on being around for it nor for taking pictures. Rather, he much preferred watching Toy Story and playing with his cousins.

He had so much fun with his cousins that even now when we ask him what his favorite thing of the day was he says, "Play with Josh." I think he's answering us as if we asked, What's favorite thing of all time?". As you can see by his out-of-the-chair, point-at-the TV behavior, he got such a kick out of "Buzz-White-year".
We did BYU things:
Attend the Carl Bloch art exhibit; it was AMAZING.
Attend a BYU basketball game; we totally skunked UTEP. Go Cougs!

And I met up with my lifelong friends and ate at Cafe Rio--that's kind of a BYU thing to do . . .

(Theo, me, Meg, Alpha, Rachel, Sam, and Ashton)
Oh, and we visited Santa a few times. Henry's enamored.

Christmas traditions that we love:
Christmas Play
Sadly we couldn't go see the Christmas play we were hoping to this year. The roads were terrible and the show house didn't allow infants in arms. Bummer. BUT, we did go see The Tourist together and it was a great outing together. Theodore was a good movie go-er, eating and sleeping the entire time, and Henry got to spend the 2 hours at his great aunt Mimi's house, whom he LOVES.
Bub Stumps and Stump the Bub
The Freestones play a trivia game put on my Mim and Bub in which they ask each of us questions about things related to our personal interests. This is where we get to shine! (Well, sort of.) This year Bub came to me before the game and said we were going to play a trick on the rest of the family. He gave me the questions and answers he was going to ask me during Bub Stumps.
They were:
1. Timbuktu is in what country?
2. What does the 57 mean on Heinz 57 bottle?
3. Name two stage actors that passed away this year?
There was one more but I can't remember what it was.
(Answers at the bottom)
Lisel was on to me after the first question. There was no way I could think knowing what country Timbuktu is in is an easy question. Maybe I shouldn't have claimed that it was an easy one. I was a little offended . . . just kidding. I think it's a well known fact that I'm not a trivia buff. By the end I made my confession. I was happy though that Todd did believe, and was impressed, that I knew the answers . . . up until the end. It was a good laugh.
Homemade chicken noodle soup and Luminaries

Before we sat down to the Cameron's traditional Christmas Eve dinner (homemade chicken noodle soup--the noodles are homemade and it's delicious) we ventured into the cold to stroll up and down Foxwood and admire the street lined with luminaries.

Henry took a detour to check out the Peanuts Christmas decor.

We made it home just before we froze and then we enjoyed dinner together.
The Nativity

Marysa: Mary, Theo: Baby Jesus, Henry: Shepherd, Peter: Donkey, Caleb: Joseph, and Todd: Shepherd.

Christmas PJs

The Monster | Henry with Theo and tractor | "Cheese" and the crooked lip
We had a wonderful season celebrating the birth of Christ!
1. Mali 2. Nothing. It's just a random number 3. Tony Curtis, Leslie Neilsen, and I added Dennis Hooper for good measure.
We blessed baby Theo at the Cameron's home.
It was a beautiful blessing for a beautiful baby. Henry was not too keen on being around for it nor for taking pictures. Rather, he much preferred watching Toy Story and playing with his cousins.
He had so much fun with his cousins that even now when we ask him what his favorite thing of the day was he says, "Play with Josh." I think he's answering us as if we asked, What's favorite thing of all time?". As you can see by his out-of-the-chair, point-at-the TV behavior, he got such a kick out of "Buzz-White-year".
We did BYU things:
Attend the Carl Bloch art exhibit; it was AMAZING.
Attend a BYU basketball game; we totally skunked UTEP. Go Cougs!
And I met up with my lifelong friends and ate at Cafe Rio--that's kind of a BYU thing to do . . .
(Theo, me, Meg, Alpha, Rachel, Sam, and Ashton)
Oh, and we visited Santa a few times. Henry's enamored.
Christmas traditions that we love:
Christmas Play
Sadly we couldn't go see the Christmas play we were hoping to this year. The roads were terrible and the show house didn't allow infants in arms. Bummer. BUT, we did go see The Tourist together and it was a great outing together. Theodore was a good movie go-er, eating and sleeping the entire time, and Henry got to spend the 2 hours at his great aunt Mimi's house, whom he LOVES.
Bub Stumps and Stump the Bub
The Freestones play a trivia game put on my Mim and Bub in which they ask each of us questions about things related to our personal interests. This is where we get to shine! (Well, sort of.) This year Bub came to me before the game and said we were going to play a trick on the rest of the family. He gave me the questions and answers he was going to ask me during Bub Stumps.
They were:
1. Timbuktu is in what country?
2. What does the 57 mean on Heinz 57 bottle?
3. Name two stage actors that passed away this year?
There was one more but I can't remember what it was.
(Answers at the bottom)
Lisel was on to me after the first question. There was no way I could think knowing what country Timbuktu is in is an easy question. Maybe I shouldn't have claimed that it was an easy one. I was a little offended . . . just kidding. I think it's a well known fact that I'm not a trivia buff. By the end I made my confession. I was happy though that Todd did believe, and was impressed, that I knew the answers . . . up until the end. It was a good laugh.
Homemade chicken noodle soup and Luminaries
Before we sat down to the Cameron's traditional Christmas Eve dinner (homemade chicken noodle soup--the noodles are homemade and it's delicious) we ventured into the cold to stroll up and down Foxwood and admire the street lined with luminaries.
Henry took a detour to check out the Peanuts Christmas decor.
We made it home just before we froze and then we enjoyed dinner together.
The Nativity
Marysa: Mary, Theo: Baby Jesus, Henry: Shepherd, Peter: Donkey, Caleb: Joseph, and Todd: Shepherd.
Christmas PJs
The Monster | Henry with Theo and tractor | "Cheese" and the crooked lip
We had a wonderful season celebrating the birth of Christ!
1. Mali 2. Nothing. It's just a random number 3. Tony Curtis, Leslie Neilsen, and I added Dennis Hooper for good measure.
What a fun trip! And it sounds like Theo did really well for such a little guy!
Sooo wish we were there! It looks like you had a LOT of fun! Miss you!
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