Monday, May 9, 2011

Summer Picnics have begun

The best, scratch that, the ONLY way to get Henry to eat a lunch in the summer: picnics. I don't know why but this boy hates lunch. Stop in the middle of a good play to . . . eat? And healthy food? Kiddin' me? Well, with a few bribes--playtime outside and a treat after--he gets a good one down--even some apples and carrots sometimes.

Last week commenced our picnic-filled summer. Our first picnic was at a new location: the new "Dr. Seuss stools" (Henry named them) at the Winfield playground. It was great. We heard the birds singing, we played in the rocks and enjoyed some PBJs. Theo fell asleep in my arms and then slept on the gravel.

Theo woke up on the way home and we took these pictures.
I love him in his new hat! It shades his face perfectly.

Do you think he likes kisses?
And, Dad, you're right! His eyes are blue!! Well, bluish-green. They may change, but so far they're still blue. Who would have thought? I used to say that Todd and I would have kids til we had a blue-eyed baby, but I might have to take that back, i.e. we want more kids.

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