Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nuts and Bolts

We marked Henry's 8 month birthday a few days ago, the 24th to be exact. Here are some new facts about him:
  1. He can switch the light switch on and off.
  2. He focuses on lights, like the green light on the fire alarm and the blinking light from Todd's mac, in his bedroom and points at them.
  3. He also points at buttons, zippers, nuts and bolts, my nose and eyes, pictures and words in his books, and really anything that fascinates him.
  4. He stands with assistance from chairs and me and walks while holding on to my fingers as I walk behind him.
  5. He jabbers and laughs.
  6. He has outgrown his infant car seat and now is in a car seat that will last until he's 100 lbs. (Don't worry, we won't make him stay in it til he breaks a buck--that'd be like when he's in Jr. High!)
  7. He pushes a ball.
  8. He switches his toys from hand to hand, studies them, and bangs them around--he's a real boy.
  9. He rolls over a lot, especially when I'm trying to change his diaper.
  10. He loves drinking from a straw. I do the put-my-finger-on-the-top-of-the-straw-and-lock-the-water-in-and-release-in-his-mouth maneuver. He loves it.
  11. He has shared his bath time sponge with me (it's usually a struggle to pry it from his little hands).
  12. and He has learned how to hide toys in his lap. He holds them between his legs and covers them with his hands and stares at me. It's so cute.
I totally think he looks like Todd here.
Hiding his sponge.Eating his sponge.


Becky said...

happy 8 months henry. and no i am not pregnant if that is what you were suggesting.

Silvia said...

So cute, and those cheeks! He is beautiful. Hope you are doing well, looks like you are!