Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Our sweet "witto one" is ONE. A year. Not just months anymore. A year!
Where has the time gone?

What an amazing year it has been, and how quickly it went by. My, my.

As of late Theodore:

The way he jokes is he babbles or makes funny faces (squints his eyes and purses his lips) and then does a sort of Ernie-from Sesame Street-esque laugh like he's laughing at himself, and then he either shies away, hiding his cheek in his shoulder or looks up at the ceiling with a big open-mouthed smile.

You catch his eye, smile, and he'll flash a smile right back atcha--guaranteed.

He pulls himself to standing and then plops back on his bottom with gusto, giggling all the while. He's a real swimmer.

Gets around
All around. Up and down our stairs, the slides, behind the couch, into the window, into our laps, the dirt, the rocks, you know, all the fun places.

Is more and more like Henry
He loves the "Automatic Door: Activate Switch to Open" signs at the libraries and church.
He points, kicks his legs and reaches with all his might to touch it. He loves all caution signs, buttons, and wires. This morning at his 1-year well-baby exam he crawled under the doctor's desk and went for the power button and almost shut down doc's computer--all in 2 second's time. Boy he's fast.

He's getting more and more teeth, a total of 5 now - and the last one's coming in crooked!
It's so cute. Really, it is.

A joy
This boy is incredibly sweet, easy going, independent, and funny.
We love him a lot and will keep him forever.

Here's one of the videos I found from his early days. He's got these amazing big eyes that I love, and I just laugh when Henry slips in the snow. Whoops! Too funny.

* * *

We started this morning off right. Presents!

We pay $14.95 a month for our wrapping paper. Top quality stuff. ;)
Today he's loved reading his new books and playing with Little People cars and the balloon machine. So much fun for a one-year-old.

While Henry "helped" unwrap Theo went AWOL, looking for an early breakfast I suspect.

We had pancakes, some with sprinkles, some with Nutella, and some with syrup.
All the good healthy stuff. When the doctor asked me what he had for breakfast this morning (probably to get a general idea of what we feed him on a typical day) and I told him the truth I think he was a little disappointed in us. But hey, it's his birthday!

After breakfast we got ready to visit the doc.
As soon as we walked into the backroom Henry declared to all the nurses, "It's his birthday!" They just laughed.
Theo got a slew of shots. Henry told him to be brave. He did alright.

We played all day at home and the toy room, and then I made dinner.
Theo's favorite: Rice and Daal. I magic-sticked it (blend it up smooth) and he just downed it.

And of course, we ate cake! He ate the whole piece.
(Hopefully he'll sleep through the night?!? My fingers are crossed.)

Wishing you a very happy birthday, from all of us:

We love you, baby!

And, a bonus video for making it all the way to the bottom of the post


Lindsey said...

You have the cutest little boys!

Alysa Stewart said...

Aww, Happy Birthday little Theodore!

The Sabeys said...

Happy Birthday Theodore! You and Leo need to be friends.

danette said...

Happy birthday Theo.

Rachel said...

I can't believe he's already one! Your boys are the best!

Unknown said...

What a sweet boy. The year went by so quickly....I can't wait to see how much he grows up in the coming year!