Saturday, June 22, 2013

First Bites

So much has gone on this past month (Todd's birthday, my birthday *and surprise party!, father-sons campout, Mario party, etc.) that I'm anxious to post about. Don't worry, I will get to there . . . one post at a time).
But, without further ado, I present to you, my newest real-food-eater!
She'll be 6 months in 5 days. Can't believe it. 
I think her first bites were about a month ago. They were pretty much just for fun. I'll feed her "real food" now maybe just once a day. She's still a big nurser.

Before the food, my little doll.
Trying it out . . . 
 Not so sure . . .

But then liking it afterall!

What did she have? Oh yeah, a mix of
spinach, mango, carrots and banana.
Too much? I don't know, I didn't read up this time.
It seems like I should have started blander.
Oh well.

I love using my smart stick to blend up whatever fruits, vegs, and . . . whatever we have on hand. I think it sure beats buying all those jars (except on vacation), and it tastes much better!

 It was so funny, she kept sticking her tongue out like this to taste it. Very similar to Henry and his tongue. Oh, and we can't forget how Theo *still* sucks on his tongue for comfort. We're just a tongue family, I guess. Have I mentioned that I was born with my tongue out (Mabel was, too) and I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue, and I can also do the wave/octopus--whatever you want to call it?

My little babe's getting so big so fast!
 Wait, don't eat that you silly goose!


Marie said...

She is such a cutie!

Rachel said...

Is she wearing a pearl bracelet? What a stylish little sprout she is!

Unknown said...

I love that the first food you gave her was bright green! It made for awesome pictures :) Much better than the ugly off-white rice cereal mush.

What a doll.